At The Right Perspective we believe that when you see Jesus without the religious baggage we’ve historically put around him, you’ll find someone undeniably life-changing and worth following.
Everything we read about Jesus in the Bible paints a clear picture of a revolutionary and radical who intended on turning our ways of thinking upside down and inside out. Jesus wasn’t interested in creating a new religious system of do’s and don’ts, wrongs and rights, rites and rules. Rather, .....
The Right Perspective is for those who are on the fence about all things Spiritual & Political, We Strive to provide you with a Biblical lens that creates a standard of living your best life now. We also seek to help you understand how todays political policies affect your Faith, your Family, your Finances, and your personal Liberties By providing you the Right Perspective from the Absolute Truth of the Bible, and the Founding Documents of our Nation.
"The most charismatic, knowledgeable, and dedicated person I have met."
Sharon Henson
Rockwall GOP Chair
"Troy is a wealth of knowledge, and definitely a happy warrior for conservatism."
Bob Hall
Texas Senator
"Dedicated to Christ, Liberty, Freedom, and The US Constitution."
Louie Gohmert
TX District 01 Congressman,
Retired/Texas Senator